
Explore A.I.-based discovery platform to find relevant influencers

Influencer Discovery | Comparative Analytics | Campaign Analytics

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Effectively evaluate your marketing strategy

Benchmark your campaign activity with previous campaigns and glean insights that can improve the overall performance

Decode your customer's pulse that can eventually elevate your brand's social media perceptions using our consumer insights

Understand crucial details like how your customers think and behave with our expert data-driven insights

Gain valuable insights & real-time analysis of your campaigns

Identify your target audience, influencer clusters, and determine the best way to target your demographic with a pre-campaign analysis

Track live campaigns using Eleve EXPLORE to get a comprehensive analysis of your live campaigns & hashtags with detailed infographics

Replicate your most successful campaigns with our inbuilt campaign modifier

Discover a plethora of global influencers on various platforms

Get insights about an influencer's demographics clustered into different categories using our EXPLORE tool

Get monthly viewership analysis of the top influencers across social media platforms like Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram.

See how well an influencer's content is performing including the average of likes/post, comments/post, and video views, along with post engagement graphs